How to Host Thanksgiving

How to Host Thanksgiving

Hosting Thanksgiving is a quick way to take your “adulting” to the next level. Maybe you’re a seasoned host, and you’re ready to mix things up? Perhaps this year will be your first time hosting Thanksgiving? And to add a level of stress to the menu—maybe this is not only your first time to host Thanksgiving, but also your first time you’ll be hosting your in-laws.

The year 2020 has undoubtedly been a wild ride. But as the holidays approach, people are figuring out what their celebrations will look like. For us, ours will look similar, but probably with a smaller crowd. Regardless if this is a year for pandemics, here’s my go-to formula to help you host the perfect Thanksgiving. And, if this is the first time with your in-laws, this will surely add some points to your board.

So, let’s get going with the plan. Ahhh! Keyword there. Any hosting event has to start with a plan. For me, this centers around the menu. What exactly are we going to cook and serve our guests? Since we’re talking Thanksgiving, here are a few of my go-to favorites.

Southern Dressing and Gravy
Green Bean Casserole
Perfect Cranberry Sauce
Old-Fashioned Scalloped Corn
Pumpkin Pie

For more inspiration, take to the internet, where you can find countless sample menus.


Here’s where the plan really comes into play. Once you know what you’re going to cook, make a list of ingredients you’ll need. Layout all of your recipes and look for any items that can be made ahead of time. Desserts and cranberries are two that come to mind but chopping up vegetables ahead of time can help.

Next, sort your remaining recipes by prep and cook time—which player is going to take the most time (probably your turkey)? Lastly, look at the cooking temperature. I have double ovens in my kitchen, which makes this a bit easier. What needs to bake at 350 degrees, 425 degrees, and so on?


If a guest offers to help or says, “What can we bring?” Take them up on this offer. Desserts, drinks, a small side—these are all things that you can delegate to your guests if you’re not up for the challenge of tackling everything yourself. Oh, and if a guest offers to help clean up, there’s no shame in taking them up on that offer, too. Some of the best conversations are centered around washing and drying dishes together.


Setting your table is definitely a task that can be done the day before Thanksgiving. This will give you the chance to look at all of your décor together and identify if you’re missing any flatware, glassware, plates, etc.

Let your creativity go wild when you’re deciding how you’ll decorate your Thanksgiving table. Fall decorating is generally surrounded by lots of cues from nature in both color and texture. Your florals, centerpieces, candles, napkins, table linens, etc. can all reflect that. Here’s my go-to formula!

Don’t forget to add name cards at each place setting—a quick way to elevate your table to special occasion status and surely impress your guests.


Give your guests plenty of notice before inviting them over for Thanksgiving. Most people make plans for holiday gatherings well in advance. Let your guests know when you’d like for them to arrive and when you’ll expect dinner to be served. Unfortunately, it’s something that has become less and less common—still, ask your guests to let you know if they’ll be coming, so you can ensure there will be enough food and drink for everyone.

Pro-Tip: You’re more than likely not going to get an RSVP from all your guests. To make sure you’re not left with a shortage of food, go ahead and prepare enough food as if all guests will be in attendance. Better safe than empty-handed.


It’s so easy to get caught up in taking care of each of your guests' needs. You’ve been hard at work and probably a bit stressed and frazzled at times. Try to make time to chat and interact with your guests, even if there’s work left to do in the kitchen. Once dinner is served, take a big relaxing breath and enjoy the delicious meal you prepared for your loved ones. Oh, and don’t be in a hurry to clean up. Sit back and enjoy the company of your guests.


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